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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hide a folder from command promt

By using this trick you can hide a folder from command promt and no one can make it visible using windows default method.
Isn't it cool...So now you can easily hide a folder without using any software and no one could make it visible except you.
Ok den firstly you need to open comand prompt Give a path to your folder
For example my folder is in D
so my first command is D:
den you need to type attrib +h +s +r "your folder name" //(dnt write in double codes)
Its done your folder is hidden now and no one can access it even from windows default method.. Now to assign your folder back
(note: you should remember your folder name) Now to assign back follow the same steps
give path to the drive where your folder is hidden
den type
attrib -h -s -r "your hidden folder name" //(dnt write in double codes)
Its done hope it was sucessfully done and useful too.

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