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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Change your processor's name

Change your processor's name
Firstly i may tell you use this trick at your own risk If you want to change your processor's name you need to go to
Start->run->type regedit there you will need to go to HKEY_LOCAL MACHINE next step is as shown below
hardware->description->system->central processor->0
On the left pannel you will see processor's name just right click that and click modify.
Now first note your processor's actual name for the futhur changes and then type new processor's name
for example:your name, and click OK Now you have changed your processor's name to check it go to my computer
right click-->properties-->and in system section you can see your processor's name.
To restore your processor's name back to original just follow the same procedure and in name section type your
processor's original name which you have noted while changing before.
[note:Use this trick only to change your processor's name dont change anything else or you will be responsible for damaging your PC]

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